Dabar rodoma: Rusija - Pašto Ženklai (1857 - 2025) - 15 ženklai.

1923 Philately's Contribution to Labour - Surcharge in Bronze

1. gegužė WM: Niekas Perforacija: Imperforated

[Philately's Contribution to Labour - Surcharge in Bronze, tipas XCD1] [Philately's Contribution to Labour - Surcharge in Bronze, tipas XCE] [Philately's Contribution to Labour - Surcharge in Bronze, tipas XCF]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
205 XCD 1+1/10 R 217 - 272 - USD  Info
205A* XCD1 1+1/10 R 65,37 - 87,16 - USD  Info
206 XCE 2+2/250 R 65,37 - 87,16 - USD  Info
207 XCF 4+4/5000 R 87,16 - 87,16 - USD  Info
207A* XCF1 4+4/5000 R 653 - 435 - USD  Info
205‑207 370 - 446 - USD 
1923 Soldier, Worker and Peasant

2. gegužė WM: Niekas Popieriaus-dydis: 25 Perforacija: 14 x 14½

[Soldier, Worker and Peasant, tipas XCG] [Soldier, Worker and Peasant, tipas XCH] [Soldier, Worker and Peasant, tipas XCI] [Soldier, Worker and Peasant, tipas XCG1] [Soldier, Worker and Peasant, tipas XCG2]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
208 XCG 3R 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
209 XCH 4R 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
210 XCI 5R 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
211 XCG1 10R 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
212 XCG2 20R 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
208‑212 1,35 - 1,35 - USD 
1923 As Previous - Imperforated

WM: Niekas Perforacija: Imperforated

[As Previous - Imperforated, tipas XCG3] [As Previous - Imperforated, tipas XCH1] [As Previous - Imperforated, tipas XCI2] [As Previous - Imperforated, tipas XCG4] [As Previous - Imperforated, tipas XCG5]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
208A XCG3 3R 21,79 - - - USD  Info
209A XCH1 4R 54,48 - - - USD  Info
210A XCI2 5R 10,90 - - - USD  Info
211A XCG4 10R 10,90 - - - USD  Info
212A XCG5 20R 272 - - - USD  Info


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